Sunday, June 20, 2010

Daddy's Day

Wow, it's been awhile since I last blogged!  Many things occurred in the past few weeks (the most recent one is I finally graduated from college!) and I will probably blog more about it later when I have more time.  I just wanted to write a quick post dedicated to my daddy since it's Father's Day and all.  I find it amusing (and a little embarrassing) that I still address my dad as "daddy."  He also refers to himself as "daddy" whenever he's not speaking to me in Vietnamese; otherwise, he would call himself "Ba."  I think no matter how old I get, I will always acknowledge him as "daddy," not because I'm still very much child-like at heart or because I'm "Daddy's little girl," but because it's something that's natural to me.  Yes, there are many times that he still treats me like a little girl (I'm sure other parents do too), but I always remind myself that it's because he cares for me and my sister.  So to show a little appreciation, I bought him a little tea set from Mitsuwa:

I forgot that he already had a teapot at home, but he still liked this one because of its' intricate details and craftsmanship.  So yay!  You can also see my fish tank in the picture where my emo fish lives.  I call it emo fish because it always abuses itself by banging against the aquarium glass.  So if you observe it more closely, you can see part of its' skin peeled off and its' terribly damaged fins.  I would take a picture of it upclose, but it would probably disturb you all.  Everytime it bangs against the glass, my dad would get frustrated and yell, "DUMMY FISH!" in a Vietnamese accent.  Then he would just stand there glaring at it, as if that would teach it a lesson. 

Alright, gotta sleep early tonight since I'm waking up super early tomorrow to head off to Disneyland with the Truyen!  Speaking of Disney, look at what I had for breakfast this morning:

A Mickey-shaped omelette that was too cute to eat!  Excuse the deformed left ear haha.  I tried making two omelettes, but the second one kind of exploded...well, not exploded...the yolk just bursted so I decided to scramble it instead.

Okie dokie, good night~


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Weekend

Hey everyone ~ Hope you all had a fun, relaxing Memorial weekend!  The weekend went by super fast for me, even though I didn't really have any plans.  Maybe it's because I worked Friday to Sunday.  I didn't really get to relax until Monday rolled around. 

Nhakhanh finally came over and visited!  It's funny how we only live ten minutes apart and yet we only see each other once every couple months or so.  Why are you hiding from me woman?! =P We decided to fulfill our dream of making cream puffs (the idea was originally thought of back in December!  Our dream came true after half a year...haha!).  Well, honestly Diane did most of the work.  She was our little baking slave mwuaha =P

Here I am stuffing them cream puffs with yummy custard!  I HAD a picture of Nhakhanh too but she refuses to let me post it because she is a stinker.  Haha! J/k N., you know I love you.

 We devoured these babies like there was no tomorrow!

Today I woke up kind of late...I guess I just didn't want the weekend to end =(  I knew it was going to be a long day so I prepared myself by eating breakfast for once:

Mumsy made some delicious "Vietnamese pizzas"

After class, I met up with Kim Pham (I told you I'd give you a shout-out!).  Dude, we haven't seen each other since middle school!  That's almost 8 years ago!  Omg I feel super old all of a sudden.  And we meet up the week right before I graduate too...oh well, better than never right?  We literally talked for an hour (there was soo much to catch up on).

Later, I met up with Jackie, Jackie's friend (I forgot her name...), and Truyen so we can all go pick up our cap and gowns.  I didn't even recognize Truyen at first because he was wearing these super reflective, flashy shades that he bought in Vegas over the weekend.  Apparently, he won--are you ready for this?--almost $900 playing poker!  I'm still shocked and amazed~ Guess no one was able to read his [sings] p-p-p-poker face.  Haha, like that Lady Gaga reference?  Haha...ha...Okay I'm lame.

The line to pick up our cap and gowns was long!  But time passed a bit faster since Truyen shared his exciting weekend in Vegas.  I seriously think everyone was in Vegas for Memorial weekend!  When we received our tickets and gown, Truyen was not pleased:

Basically his ticket said "nursing science" (even though he is actually a criminology major) and he was supposed to wear a salmon pink tassel LOL (I hope it's okay that I post this ^^;;)

He exclaimed, "There is NO way I am wearing a pink tassel at graduation" so he bought a royal blue one that signifies the bio sci majors.  I, on the other hand, absolutely love the pink tassel so I stole it ehehe.  I can't believe graduation is coming closer and closer...I'm trying to make the most of this last week and savor the moment.  I can't believe I will no longer be walking on Ring Road or strolling through Aldrich Park...It's amazing how four years really fly by.

On my way home, I stopped by Target to purchase the "Alice in Wonderland" Blu-Ray combo pack.  I love the cover--it's so colorful and whimsical.  Can't wait to watch the movie soon! 

I feel drowsy all of a sudden.  It's probably because I haven't been getting much sleep lately...but I can't sleep until I watch tonight's "Glee" episode!  Yay gleeks~
