Saturday, August 21, 2010

Another year older...

I must be getting pretty old to feel so happy when someone thinks I'm younger than I really am.  The other day, I was talking to my co-worker about my upcoming birthday:

Co-Worker: So how old are you going to be? 20?
Me: No...22....
Co-Worker: What?  You don't even look 21!

I know most people will think the early 20s is a person's prime age, but I think there's nothing to look forward to after your 21st birthday.  Everyone looks forward to their sweet 16 or turning 18 and 21, but after that it's just down-hill.  Haha!  Well...then again, there is one thing I am looking forward to, and that is getting married and starting a family.  But other than that, I just think about how old I'm getting.  If only I could be forever 21 =P

I remember when I was in middle school, I always wanted to be older so I can drive, wear make-up, and  gain some independence.  Now that I'm more mature and reflect about the past, I laugh at how naive I was.  Getting older just comes with more responsibility and stressing over bills, bills, and more bills.  Everything is money!  Food, clothes, rent, school, etc.  And in order to pay for those bills, you have to start working more and it's just stressing.  So girls (and guys), enjoy your youth while you still can!

But for today, I will push aside my worries and relax.  I need a mini vacation...I feel like I've been working almost everyday!  My weak little body is going to break down soon.

However, it's not all about me--my parents' anniversary is also on my birthday.  So, happy 23rd anniversary mom and dad.  =)
