Friday, July 23, 2010

Lost my motivation...

I'm back! Yes...I'm alive...I just haven't been motivated to blog lately.  On top of that, I haven't really had much to blog about.  Since I'm done with school (for now) and summer's rolled around, I've been living like a couch potato.  I think it's because I'm just old and cynical x.x I gots no energy left!

Especially when I hang around with my younger cousins.  My extended family from Texas visited today and I'm always excited to play with the kids.  I try to cherish the moments I spend with them while they're still young because who knows what'll happen in the future....they'll grow older and act too cool to hang out with weak, boring ol' me.  T.T

Here are some pics of my cousins (sorry for the poor cellphone camera isn't too great):

This is 4 year old Alan.  He's grown SOOO much bigger than when I last saw him!  I think he can be a football player when he grows up...look at them muscles! =P

This was Alan 4 years ago.  Isn't he adorable? I just want to pinch his cheeks and squeeze him.  I, on the other hand, look completely gross -.- I guess not much has changed for me in the past 4 years... haha!

Diane, Alan, me, and Megan <3  I think I need to steal some of Megan's chubby cheeks so I can look cute like her too.

I haven't seen my family on my mom's side for a long time due to unnecessary drama among the adults.  When I saw one of my aunts, the first thing she asked me was, "So...are you married yet?" I wasn't sure if she was joking so I just gave her an awkward smile and said, "'m only 21."  It's funny how a lot of people who I haven't seen in awhile ask me this question right off the bat.  I know there's probably a bunch of young couples who have married around my age but sorry folks, marriage is not on my agenda at the moment.  I kind of need a job first so I can afford simple everyday necessities...I told my older cousin this and she was like, "Yeah that's right.  The guy has to be able to afford things too.  [looks at my 11 year old boy cousin] No money, no lady!" He gave her this funny look that said, "Uh...girls are gross anyway." 

I'm still amazed by how younger married couples can manage to survive.  I think it's great that they're able to start a living sooner but personally, I'm not in any hurry to get married.  You have the rest of your life to live with your significant other.  Right now, I still think there's much for me to learn and grow before I embark on that journey. 

Anyways...enough of all this talk about marriage. 

The other day I went with Truyen to 85 degrees and tried their new "Pink Diamond" strawberry and chocolate mousse cake.  I remember Jackie saying it was delicious so I decided to try it out myself.

I always love the presentation of all their cakes!  It makes it so hard to resist trying everything!

I thought it was very chocolate-dominated.  Personally, I'm a strawberry girl so I wish there was more of a strawberry taste to it.  Truyen liked it more than I did, especially since he's a chocolate man.  Eating this mousse cake reminded me of our usual shared ice cream combination: chocolate and strawberry.  Does that mean we're a chocoberry?  O.o

Afterwards, we browsed around H-Mart and were greatly amused by these:

We decided that the car is Truyen, the panda is me, and the monkey is Diane. Bwuaha.

I think I am too easily amused by things...well, I gotta remain happy somehow.  Growing older comes with too many responsibilities and it's starting to wear me out.  I need to grow stronger!  Rawr.  xD
