Saturday, April 30, 2011

Harry Potter

I can't wait to watch the last installment of the Harry Potter films this summer!  I've been browsing different fan art/comics and thought these were hilarious:

Harry Potter + Mean Girls

And of course, Harry Potter + Twilight


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mumsy's Birthday

Even though my mom's birthday is tomorrow, my family decided to celebrate it during the weekend.  She loves shopping so we ended up driving all the way up to the Ontario Mills outlet stores.  It was extremely stuffy inside the mall and the massive crowd just made it worse.

I noticed the Coach factory was super crowded and wondered if there was some kind of event going on.  Stepping inside that store was probably my undoing.  It turns out, a lot of their merchandise was 30-50% off, and you receive an additional 30% off your entire purchase!  I ended up taking advantage of the promotion (because there's hardly ever a huge sale like this at the regular boutiques) and bought a new wallet:

I'm a big sucker for anything pink keke

Yeah, I know...shouldn't be spending so much over some silly wallet just because it's all fancy and has a label on it, right?  Well, I needed a new wallet anyway.  That's my justification =P I'm actually sad to part with my current Hello Kitty wallet, but it's starting to fall apart and I think it's time to let go before it suffers anymore damage...

There was a purse I wanted but I resisted and fought the urge to buy it.  The wallet was already a bit costly and adding a purse to the bill is out of the question.  However!  My mom actually bought that same purse I wanted and decided to give it to me because she bought another one for herself.

I'm still so surprised and ecstatic~ Thanks mumsy!  I should be the one buying her gifts since it's her birthday and all, not the other way around!  But I've learned over the years to not buy any gifts for her because she always returns everything I buy her.  Sad, isn't it?  She's just an extremely picky woman.  Instead, I just pay for her birthday lunch/dinner.  Food is her ultimate comfort.  Plus, she can't return it! =P

I also bought a cake from JJ Bakery in Irvine:

Came in a cute box!

It's vanilla-flavored sponge cake topped with strawberries and peaches.

My parents loved it!  They're not a big fan of the overly sweet Americanized cakes.  But since Asian cakes are never really sweet, this was perfect for them.  Even the frosting wasn't too sweet, and I usually hate frosting.  So it was definitely approved by the "Phamily."  =) I told my mom that the number of strawberries and candles signified her age--there were 5 strawberries and 3 candles, hence 53!  She had a surprised look and asked, "Did you ask the sales people to do that?  Or was it already like that?"  But I just gave her a mysterious smile and looked away.  She'll never know!  Bwuahaha...


Sunday, April 3, 2011

How to Make: California Rolls

I don't know about you, but sushi is one of my all time favorite Japanese meals.  I'm still learning to appreciate sashimi since the thought of eating raw fish makes my stomach turn a little.  But I love California rolls, spicy tuna rolls, and my favorite--crunchy rolls!  Since sushi can be a little expensive, I tried making California rolls at home.  The process was a bit daunting at first, but after a couple of practice, they came out better than I expected.  I thought I'd share the recipe with you all =)

Ingredients needed:
2 cups short grain rice
1 cucumber
1 avocado
Several sheets of nori (seaweed)
Imitation crab meat
2 cups of water
1/2 cup rice vinegar
2 tsp salt
1/4 cup sugar
Soy sauce
Sesame seeds (optional)
Japanese mayo (optional)
Masago, or fish eggs (optional)

Materials needed
Rice cooker
Bamboo mat wrapped in saran wrap
Wooden spoon
Large (bamboo) plate
Small bowl filled with water
A very sharp knife


1) First, rinse the rice 3 times and let soak for 30 minutes so moisture is sealed in.

2) Drain water from rice.

3) Add 2 cups of water to rice and cook in rice cooker for 15 minutes.

4) While rice is cooking, mix rice vinegar, salt, and sugar into a small pan and heat until salt and sugar dissolves.

5) Once the rice is done cooking, immediately remove the rice and place into a large plate.

6) Take the sushi vinegar mixture and drizzle over the hot rice.  Mix the two together by "slicing" the rice with a wooden spoon.  This slicing motion mixes the rice and vinegar together without breaking the rice grains.

7) Once everything is mixed, let the rice cool for about 30 minutes, or until it's room temperature.

8) Cut a sheet of nori in half and place it on the bamboo mat.

9) Wet hands in the small bowl of water, grab a small portion of rice, and press the rice on top of the nori.  Sprinkle sesame seeds if desired.

10) Flip the nori over, so the rice is on the bottom.  If desired, spread a small amount of Japanese mayo on the bare side of the nori.  I discovered that the mayo is actually the magic ingredient that makes the sushi taste even better!  But that's just my opinion =P

11) Begin slicing the avocado, cucumber, and imitation crab meat.  Please excuse my poorly sliced avocado...I need to work on my knife craftsmanship x.x

12) Assemble the sliced avocado, cucumber, and imitation crab meat on the nori.  The crab meat should be on top, then the cucumbers, and lastly the avocado.  The reason why the cucumbers are in the middle is because they contain the most moisture and move around easily.  If they're in between the crab meat and avocado, it'll be easier to roll the sushi without the ingredients falling out.

13) Once everything is placed, start rolling!  This is the fun part =) You should end up with a sushi roll that looks like this:

14) Take a sharp knife and wet it.  This makes it easier to slice the sushi roll.  If desired, you can sprinkle some masago on top of the roll before slicing, but I personally don't like fish eggs.  Slice the roll into 8 pieces.

15)  Last but not least, enjoy!  They taste even better with soy sauce =)

I think the tricky part is cooking the rice.  Sometimes it'll come out too wet or too dry so it's difficult to get the right combination of rice and water.  The general ratio is 1:1.  Hope this recipe helps and hope your California rolls turn out delicious!
