Sunday, November 14, 2010

Some Disney trimmings, please!

I'm planning to add a little Disney magic to our Christmas tree this year.  I would buy more ornaments but I don't want the poor tree to fall over.

If you want to bring Disney home for the holidays too, they're having their Friends & Family event till November 15th (sorry for the extremely short notice):


You're never too old to love Hello Kitty

I've been debating whether or not I want to go to LA to visit this Hello Kitty (HK) mini expo they're having.  For those of you who don't know, I'm a HUGE Hello Kitty fan.  I'm not going to say "addict", because I know some people who are seriously obsessed.  But I am a big HK lover.  And if there's anyone who says HK is for younger girls, well poo to you!  You're never too old to love HK!  It's the same as all the older Disney lovers out there (which I personally am!).  If adults can love Mickey and all other things Disney, then why can't they love HK as well?  Am I right or am I right? =P

Back to the mini expo event, I'm just not sure if it's worth it to drive all the way to LA.  I went to their latest tour event at the District in Irvine a week ago and I was a bit disappointed.  It was a much smaller event than I thought it would be and I didn't think it was worth it to wait in line to buy their limited edition items (they were selling special merchandise for Hello Kitty's 50th anniversary).  I only managed to take a few pictures before I eventually decided to just leave and go to Kitty House instead:

The view from where I stood in line. 

What if I drove a truck like this?

I sneaked a peek at this and my jaw dropped.  A HK smart car?!  What will they come up with next? x)

I made poor Diane wait in line for ten minutes before I decided to leave.  She's not a HK lover like I am so waiting in line with her wasn't such a great idea.  Especially if I have to look at her sour expression --> (-_-)'''  I need someone who loves HK to hang out with! Haha.  How can you not love sanrio items?  They're so cute!  The other day, I saw these adorable earmuffs at H&M:

A little bit blurry because it was a quick snapshot.  I didn't want to get yelled at for taking photos in the store =/

Although they were so cute, I resisted buying them because I couldn't see myself wearing them in public without attracting odd stares.  I know I shouldn't care about what others think, but I'm just paranoid like that =(

However, I must say I am a proud owner of these recent HK items:

Here's a better picture of the rain boots.

I've been searching far and wide for that HK apron!  I was getting pretty depressed until I saw it at the Sanrio in Westminster Mall today.  *squeals*  Haha, yes I'm crazy... Now I'm just waiting for it to rain so I can wear my rain boots!  But I don't think it'll be pouring anytime soon...

What's your favorite Sanrio character?  Mine, besides Hello Kitty, is Pochacco.  But he's a classic character that's not really featured in the stores anymore...My newest favorite is Chococat.  =) *sigh* I can already see my future daughter being pampered with Sanrio love hehe.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cruising around Santa Monica

Just got home from walking around all day in Santa Monica.  My feet are going to fall off soon...x.x But it was fun exploring around LA for Diane's 18th birthday.  What better way to celebrate than by having a mini shopping spree, right?  =P  Unfortunately, Diane wasn't able to buy anything she liked so we might have to go to South Coast so I can get her a birthday gift.  Honestly, after comparing many different malls I've been to, nothing beats South Coast Plaza.  It's sophisticated, indoors (I hate walking around in outdoor malls), and consists of a variety of stores from high-end designers--like Gucci, Burberry, Miu Miu, etc--to more affordable shops like AE, Wet Seal, etc.  They're even opening up a Forever 21 soon, which Diane is excited about.  Personally, I'm not a huge Forever 21 fan as I used to be.  Mainly due to the poor quality of their fabrics.  And their merchandise is pricier now!  Lamesauce.

Anyways, to sum it up: you get the most at the coast! =P

Back to Santa Monica...

It took about an hour for us to drive over there.

 We played around with the camera to pass the time.

The sexy birthday girl.

Do I look older with glasses?

My hair style for the day--I love them braids!

We first stopped at this little Japanese boutique called Anap.  It was my first time there so I was really excited to check out all the J-fashion.

The store wasn't open when we arrived because they open a little late (at noon).  So in order to pass the time, Diane and I munched on some Beard Papa cream puffs =) After browsing around the store, I was a little bummed.  Maybe it's because I couldn't find anything to my liking but I felt like most of the clothes were a bit overpriced for their quality and it was either a hit or miss.  The boutique itself was cute (it's extremely pink and girly haha) and the sales associates were super friendly.  My mom ended up buying this really bizarre zebra-striped blouse which was a bit questionable for my tastes...It was quite amusing...

We headed out to Westfield Century City Mall afterwards because mumsy wanted to shop at Macy's.  Parking was ridiculous!  It took us 30 minutes before we were able to secure a spot for us x.x. I wasn't in the mood to take a lot of pictures of the stores because it was terribly windy today and my eyes were super irritated.  This is why I hate outdoor malls--you have to deal with annoying weather.

I did manage to get a picture of Zara though <3

The Juicy Couture here was pretty big!  It's not as big as the flagship store in Las Vegas, but it's the biggest one I've been to in Cali.  Everything was very neat and organized and the dressing room was SO PINK.  I loved it. I felt like a princess in there haha!

Front of the store

Messing around in the fitting rooms

Later, we finally headed to our final destination: the Third Street Promenade in downtown Santa Monica.  I liked how a lot of the stores were just there side-by-side along one street.  It was easy to browse through each store (a lot of the stores were pretty huge!) but with Veteran's Day sale n' all, it was super crowded.  I wanted to check out the Mango store here since I heard it was a flagship store.  The design and layout of the store is pretty modern, chic, and sophisticated.  It's more spacious than the one at South Coast but the available merchandise was very similar...which I thought was rather strange.  I figured it would have more since it's bigger.  Oh well, it was cool checking it out nonetheless =)  I would probably prefer working at the Mango in South Coast though hehe

Sorry, a bit blurry since I didn't use flash.

I liked their window display. 

Here's my purchases for the day:

1) Two lace tanks - Abercrombie
2) Sweater - Forever 21
3) Pink belt - H&M
4) Heritage Crest Wallet - Juicy Couture

I've been hunting for that cream colored sweater everywhere!  I first saw it at the Forever 21 in Mission Viejo, but didn't buy it because I was a bit tight on money and figured I could find it at another store closer to home.  But I had the most difficult time hunting it down!  When I saw it randomly hanging on a go-back rack at the Third Street Promenade store, I dashed towards it before anyone else could get it xD

Anyways, that's my haul for the day.  I might stop by Sephora this weekend because I hear they're having another 20% off event?  Not so sure...but I hope so!  I've been wanting to buy some new skincare products.

Alrighty, gotta go rest now since I have work tomorrow.  *sigh*  At least tomorrow's paycheck Friday! ^^


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Product Review: Kose Clear Turn White Mask

I know I mentioned before that I should try to update more often, but I just haven't been following through...mostly because I'm lazy and I figured no one reads this girly blog.  But I've discovered that Jackie actually reads it so I will try and blog more random posts for your reading pleasure Jackie =P Although I'm not sure if you'll even have time to visit here now since you started working full-time hehe. 

Anywho...I went to Mitsuwa the other day and I noticed they were having a summer magazine sale.  A lot of the magazines were 75% off so I couldn't pass the chance to buy some (even though they were summer issues but oh well, I still love observing all the outfits)!  I also picked up some skincare products as well:

I want to do a quick review on the Kose Clear Turn White Masks because I've been really liking them so far. 

These masks contain marine-derived collagen in order to brighten, whiten, and firm one's skin.  You're supposed to leave it on for 10-15 minutes, but I like to wear mine for about 25-30 minutes because I hate wasting all the excess essence.  Each mask is drenched in so much essence that when I pull it out of the package, it's dripping wet!  So if I were to leave it on for only 10 minutes, there would still be a generous amount of essence remaining.  I want to get my money's worth! =P I've been using these masks for two weeks so it's a bit early to confirm if my skin tone is any whiter, but I can say that it's much more soft and hydrated.  Immediately after removing the mask, my skin is brighter and smoother.  The next day, make-up application is easier because everything goes on smoother.  However, what I really love is that these masks don't break me out!  That's a HUGE deal to me since my skin is extremely acne-prone.  I may not have the most beautiful skin in the world (actually I'm VERY far from it *sigh*), but as long as these masks continue hydrating and providing awesome anti-aging benefits, then I may be on my way towards achieving decent looking skin.  I'm definitely looking forward to that day...

So, would I buy these again?  I probably will.  They're a little pricy (one pack includes 5 mask sheets for $9.99), considering you're supposed to use them 1-2 times a week.  But I really like the cotton mask sheets compared to the clay masks.  I feel like the serum/essence absorbs better into the skin when using cotton masks so your skin can reap the most benefits out of them.  Also, clay masks tend to dry out my skin =/

Alright, gonna head to bed early tonight because I'm going shopping at the Promenade in Santa Monica tomorrow with the family!  I haven't been there since I was a little girl so I'm super excited!  Good night everyone~


Tuesday, November 2, 2010


These past 6 years have made us stronger.  With every year that passes, I'm still amazed at how close and connected we've remained.  And it just keeps going.

Most couples don't usually stay together for so long...and even if they do, they might have grown so accustomed to each other that they lose that initial spark that keeps them close.  But not us.  Why?  Because we are a story of a kind. 

And I will gladly order Truyen's special ramen any day!  =D
