Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Product Review: Kose Clear Turn White Mask

I know I mentioned before that I should try to update more often, but I just haven't been following through...mostly because I'm lazy and I figured no one reads this girly blog.  But I've discovered that Jackie actually reads it so I will try and blog more random posts for your reading pleasure Jackie =P Although I'm not sure if you'll even have time to visit here now since you started working full-time hehe. 

Anywho...I went to Mitsuwa the other day and I noticed they were having a summer magazine sale.  A lot of the magazines were 75% off so I couldn't pass the chance to buy some (even though they were summer issues but oh well, I still love observing all the outfits)!  I also picked up some skincare products as well:

I want to do a quick review on the Kose Clear Turn White Masks because I've been really liking them so far. 

These masks contain marine-derived collagen in order to brighten, whiten, and firm one's skin.  You're supposed to leave it on for 10-15 minutes, but I like to wear mine for about 25-30 minutes because I hate wasting all the excess essence.  Each mask is drenched in so much essence that when I pull it out of the package, it's dripping wet!  So if I were to leave it on for only 10 minutes, there would still be a generous amount of essence remaining.  I want to get my money's worth! =P I've been using these masks for two weeks so it's a bit early to confirm if my skin tone is any whiter, but I can say that it's much more soft and hydrated.  Immediately after removing the mask, my skin is brighter and smoother.  The next day, make-up application is easier because everything goes on smoother.  However, what I really love is that these masks don't break me out!  That's a HUGE deal to me since my skin is extremely acne-prone.  I may not have the most beautiful skin in the world (actually I'm VERY far from it *sigh*), but as long as these masks continue hydrating and providing awesome anti-aging benefits, then I may be on my way towards achieving decent looking skin.  I'm definitely looking forward to that day...

So, would I buy these again?  I probably will.  They're a little pricy (one pack includes 5 mask sheets for $9.99), considering you're supposed to use them 1-2 times a week.  But I really like the cotton mask sheets compared to the clay masks.  I feel like the serum/essence absorbs better into the skin when using cotton masks so your skin can reap the most benefits out of them.  Also, clay masks tend to dry out my skin =/

Alright, gonna head to bed early tonight because I'm going shopping at the Promenade in Santa Monica tomorrow with the family!  I haven't been there since I was a little girl so I'm super excited!  Good night everyone~
