Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Domo Couture

I would totally rock this.  Haha...okay maybe not.  But it's fun to look at, no?


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Disney Sightings at Target

Target is probably one of my favorite stores because they have almost everything you need.  Clothes, movies, music, electronics--and now even a wider selection of food since they have a mini supermarket section.

So I was browsing around and spotted these Disney dinnerware:

Even though they're made of plastic and probably not as high quality as the dinnerware sold at Disney Parks, I still think they're durable and make a cute, affordable addition to your kitchen. 

Oh, and this isn't related but I saw this window display at South Coast today and thought of you Jackie. 

I know you love them Ugly Dolls!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Browsing Around Town

Today was my day off work so I finally had some time to go run errands.  Nowadays, it seems like I'm such a workaholic...whenever I finally have time to rest, I don't know what to do.  It's like I don't even know how to relax anymore, I just end up restless.  Gah, I need to start cherishing my days off now since I'll be working full-time starting tomorrow x.x

This morning, I stopped by the Kinokuniya bookstore in Costa Mesa to hunt for a 2011 calendar.  They only had a huge supply of the wall calendars, and I usually use the mini calendars that you can fold into a stand.  There was only one of those left--a "One Piece" one actually!  I would've bought it if it wasn't $25...

I ended up just getting a day planner:

Cute, huh?  I like how it's small and compact, yet there's still plenty of room to jot down notes inside.

For those of you who haven't visited Kinokuniya, I highly recommend so if you love manga/anime, j-magazines, or just cute Japanese supplies.  They have a wide selection of interesting products to browse through.  These are some items that caught my eye:

This is a Tokidoki post-it notebook.  You open it up and...

...there's different sets of post-its inside!  Haha, it's probably not that interesting but I'm easily amused by Tokidoki's bizarre characters.

It's a chocobo! <3

 Some "One Piece" jigsaw puzzles x)

Afterwards, I went to Main Place and the Block with Diane.  Watching Diane drive on the freeway is amusing yet worrisome...I don't know we'll end up dead or alive in the end.

For all you Hello Kitty and Twilight fans =P

We stopped by Tastea to see what all the fuss is about.  Their boba is GREEN!  I was so mesmerized...haha!  I just tried the regular milk tea with boba, which was $3.25.  Waaay too expensive, even if it is delicious.  I think I'll stick to Lollicup.

I got these Puma shoes at Off-Broadway for only $19!  What a bargain, eh?  Now my mom can stop complaining about me stealing her running shoes, even though she never even uses it.  Hmph.  Whatever, mine's pink =P

Alright, my stomach is rumbling which means I'm off to get dinner.  Need to convince the family to go eat at Kaiten sushi bar!  Sooo delicious...


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A New Year Has Come

I know it's kind of late, but happy new year everyone!  I hope the new year brings you all happiness, good fortune, and lots of love.  Haha, I know that sounds so cliche and generic, but I really do wish everyone the best for this upcoming year x)  My New Year's resolution come up with a New Year's resolution (and actually stick to it)!

So far, I've been enjoying the new year by driving around in my new Toyota Corolla.  Well, it's not exactly new since I received it back in December.  Here's a picture I found online of it:

I love how compact and cute it is!  Since it's the sports version, it has cute little wings on the back.  I'm not sure if they're called wings, but I call them that anyways.  =P  The only downside to the car is the windows are tiny, which is potentially hazardous since I don't have a clear view while backing up or changing lanes.  But I ain't complaining since my parents bought the car for me as an early Christmas gift =D

Recently, I started playing a new Wii game called "Epic Mickey."  Being a huge Disney freak, I was soo thrilled to finally start playing.  The game even reminds me of "Kingdom Hearts" in certain ways (which is another favorite of mine!).

I'm only 2 hours into the game but what I like about it so far is that I have the ability to either create or destroy the world.  All with the help of a handy, magical paintbrush!  It's almost like I can play as evil Mickey or good Mickey...which makes me wonder if there would be two separate endings for each path.  The graphic depiction of each world is very whimsical yet dark, almost like you're venturing into a gloomy, desolate Disneyland.  Can you imagine such a thing?!  But that's where Mickey comes in and saves the day by restoring each world to life!  Hehe, I'm such a Disney nerd.  The only thing I'm not fond of is the camera angle and the fact that there's A LOT of platform jumping involved.  Oh, and kudos to the genius who decided to lay white text against a white/gray background.  As if I'm not already challenged enough by all the required I have to squint my beady little eyes so I can attempt to read the storyline.  My eyes are going to end up chinky when I'm finished with the game. 

I'll let you all know what I think of the game once I'm finished.  Until then, I'll just enjoy my nice cup of Ghiradelli hot cocoa, courtesy of Ray Chang (who also got me "Epic Mickey").  Thanks Ray! =D
