Friday, April 23, 2010


So one of the best perks of working at Bath & Body Works is all the free gratis you get! This year, the company has been very generous with the free gifts...I literally have a mini BBW in my room. My latest gratis is this Berry Summer Vanilla body lotion (I got to pick from berry, coconut, apricot, or lemon):

Oh em gee this body lotion literally makes you smell like a strawberry starburst!  So if you folks don't like anything sweet or fruity, then this might not be your favorite.  Personally, I never enjoy wearing a fragrance that makes me smell like dessert, but this fragrance is actually growing on me.  When you first rub it onto your skin, it smells like a burst of juicy berries.  But after it settles with your skin, it transforms into this subtle warm vanilla fragrance.  I'm usually  not a vanilla girl either so I'm surprised I like this one!  So what's my verdict?  This lotion will probably make me gain more weight because it makes me crave for sweets.  But I love it.  I'll be walking around smelling like...a jujuberry haha.  Not sure if the bf will like it though since his nose is so sensitive xD

Also, I give props to BBW for improving their body lotion formulas.  It just melts right into your skin now without that greasy after-feel!  Plus, shea butter is wonderful for my dry skin.  Alright alright I'm going to end my rant about BBW now haha. Some might think that since I work there, I'm just trying to promote their products but this is my honest review.  I never try to recommend or praise anything that I genuinely dislike.  Believe me, there are some questionable BBW products that I wonder who approved for them to ever be sold on the shelves...but I will not name names x)

Okie dokie, off to bed I go!  Good night world~


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kogi Heaven

I finally got a chance to observe my younger sister learn how to drive on the street tonight!  She looked so cute squinting her beady little eyes and trying to focus on the road, but I can tell she was quite nervous.  So I decided to behave and not tease her like I always do.  Seeing how nervous she was reminded me of the days when my dad started training me how to drive for the first time...*sigh* Those were some pretty stressing days...all I remember is my dad alerting me about every single thing his eyes spied on..."Watch out for the curb!"  "Stop at that the stop sign!"  "Be careful of the bird!"  Haha yes, my dad was afraid of me crashing into a bird -.- But he seemed so mellow when supervising my sister's driving.  Maybe he lost all his energy to critique after witnessing my driving.  I'm not that bad of a driver, right?  Right.  =P

Anyways, as I was silently smiling at my sister's uneasy expression, I noticed we passed the Kogi truck on Von Karmon!  At first I thought I was just seeing things, but it was actually there!  What a random, inconspicuous place for it to be.  But then again, that's a good thing because the line wasn't too long; we only waited for 20 minutes.  I was excited to finally get a taste of what everyone has been raving about and kept thinking "These babies better be good!" while waiting in line x)

Sorry for the bad picture.  I couldn't place the tacos in a more aesthetically pleasing position since they were overfilled with sauce, korean bbq, and lettuce. 

So what's my verdict on these small, overstuffed tacos?  I give it 4/5 stars.  They were surprisingly a bit spicy, which my sensitive taste buds aren't used to.  But I really liked the sauce because even though it was a bit spicy, there was a hint of zesty lemon to cancel out the spice.  The meat was simply delicious!  So...are these tacos worth waiting for in line?  For 20 minutes maybe...even 40 min (that's my max) but not for 2 hours.  However, I'm sure there are plenty of crazy devoted kogi fans out there that are willing to wait night and day for them.  Have fun with that ^^

Before I go, I wanted to share this MV with you all.  It features a korean artist named IU and her acoustic version of SNSD's "Gee," Big Bang's "Lies," and Super Junior's "Sorry Sorry."  I absolutely LOVE her voice and her rendition of these songs!  Especially "Lies" since that's one of my favorite Big Bang songs.  Hope you all enjoy listening to her because I sure do!


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

So Anh Man, my older cousin, came to visit my family for the past couple of days.  He's currently studying to become a priest so it's been interesting hearing him tell stories about his journey.  The night he arrived at our house, I was making Betty Crocker rainbow chip cupcakes.  They're so cute and colorful!  Nothing brightens up your day than munching on these little cuties.  However, I discovered that I actually like the Pillsbury funfetti cake mix better than the Betty Crocker one because the Betty Crocker cake mix is a bit sweet and lacks the soft tasty texture that I like from Pillsbury.  So my personal preference is Pillsbury funfetti w/ Betty Crocker rainbow chip frosting (the frosting is my favorite!  And I'm usually not a frosting girl). 

I decided to make mini cupcakes, not only because they're cuter but because you won't feel guilty after eating two or three at once since they're so tiny =P

This morning, my family went to celebrate Easter at Seafood World.  The place was so busy that I got a headache waiting outside in the crowd.  Luckily, the wait wasn't too long (about 20 minutes) and when we went inside, I immediately ordered some shu mai and hat cao (not sure if I spelled those two words right...I fail as a Vietnamese). 

Dim Sum = <3


Omg banh tom tastes sooo good with sweet and sour sauce!

I keep laughing at Anh Man's expression xD

Diane and I went to lollicup afterwards to get some yummy boba.  She got a mango slush and I got my usual taro milk tea.

I think I ate too much today...I started to look preggars again x_x But no fear!  I went to go exercise it all off with Truyen at the ARC.  Aren't you all proud of me?  I'm actually motivated to work out *gasp*  Must take advantage of this while it lasts...hehe.  I've been playing badminton at the ARC and it's super fun!  Even though I'm still such a noob...but I'll get pro in no time!

I also got to play a little bit with Faith today.  Don't be fooled by her cuteness though--she's a lean, mean killing machine =P

She looks like a furry puff ball xD

We like to stare deeply into each others' eyes and read minds during our free time.

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!


Did anyone feel the earthquake today?  It was quite a big one!  At first, I thought it was just me having a headache...then I got dizzy afterwards (.x_x.)