Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Belated Valentine's

As the title says, this is a late post about my Valentine's this year.  Some people probably love Valentine's because it's a day where they get to celebrate love and spend a nice romantic day with their significant other.  Other people are probably bitter and hate Valentine's because it's such a commercial holiday.  To them, Valentine's Day = Single Awareness Day (I just noticed the acronym is spells "SAD"...).  Personally, I think every day should be Valentine's Day.  You shouldn't have to rely on a certain day of the year to express your feelings to your loved one, right?  But I'm sure many chocolate retailers and floral boutiques are rubbing their hands with glee as frantic customers are spending their money away, hoping to impress their significant other.

This year, I didn't want to only spend Valentine's with Truyen, but with my family and co-workers also.  I miss those elementary/middle school days where I would give my classmates little Valentine's Day cards.  We would drop our little cards into each others' hand-made valentine mailboxes haha.   So this year, I gave each of my co-workers little goody bags:

Don't you love the Hello Kitty bags? =P I was pretty sure the guys wouldn't have appreciated the HK bags as much, so I gave them clear goody bags.  It may seem a bit childish, but I think it's nice to receive a mini gift once in awhile.  A lot of my co-workers never tried chocopie's before, so it was good to hear everyone liked them!

I also got some goodies for my parents and Truyen's parents as well:

These peanut brittles are delicious!  If you're a peanut butter fan, you have to stop by your local See's Candies and try these!

When I was shopping around for gifts, I discovered these little beauties at Mitsuwa:

Milk tea-flavored kit kats!  I remember loving the strawberry-flavored ones, so when I saw these, I just had to try them.  They surprisingly taste exactly like milk tea!  It's crazyyy.  <3 I hear there's matcha green tea-flavored ones so I'm going to be on the hunt for those.

Last but not least, I got Truyen a small, special gift this year.  I'm super happy because I finally got a chance to actually surprise him.  In the past, he's always had a hunch of what I would get him, but not this year!  Mwuaha.  It only took 6 years but I was finally able to stump him.  =P

What could it be?  Hmm...I wonder...

Voila ~ It's a nice shiny new watch keke.  He's been wanting one for a long time now so he was super happy =)  I never realized there were so many different brands and styles for men's watches!  I don't think I can look at anymore for awhile...

Also, I always try to bake him something different each Valentine's.  This year, it was a snickers cheesecake!

It came out a bit salty, so I decided to not add any peanuts to it.  That made a huge difference! 

Well, that was my Valentine's.  Hope all of yours was also fun, romantic, and sweet this year =)


I recently discovered that I could actually focus my camera phone so I can take clearer photos.  Yes, yes....I'm a BIT slow.  But now I can take more decent looking photos so yay!  Still on the hunt for a good camera though.  Anyone have any good recommendations?