Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Break

I probably should have blogged about spring break during spring break because I've forgotten about  most of the things that happened haha.  I did get the chance to hang out with a lot of friends who I never get to see during the school year so that was fun. 

Jackie and I went to Disney's California Adventures on Tuesday.  I finally got her to go on Toy Story Mania since she's never been on it!

This was us waiting in line.  We kept wondering if Mr. Potato Head could actually see people b/c we overheard him calling out to a girl in front of him saying, "Hey you!  Yeah you in the yellow jacket" and she was actually wearing a yellow jacket too!  Scary...

We both later went on the Ferris Wheel at night.  It was sooo freaky for both of us b/c we're slightly afraid of heights.  I kept thinking we'd plunge to our watery graves in the lake below.  We both literally grasped the cage for dear life...I could feel my hands losing blood and turning white haha!  And we were in the stationary gondola too! I've only been on the swinging gondola once--NEVER AGAIN.  That thing is just plain terrifying. >.<

On Wednesday, Nhakhanh came over and we drove to Mitsuwa to buy some ingredients to make vegan sushi.  While I was hunting for parking, I saw ハラグチ先生 putting her groceries in her car and getting ready to leave!  I wanted to jump out and say hi but couldn't... =(

The market was featuring strawberry delicacies at the time so I decided to buy these strawberry Kit Kat bars:

They turned out okay...a bit too sweet for me.

When we both returned to my house, we attempted to make sushi with white rice, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, and avocado.  It was our first time trying to assemble everything together and things didn't turn out as successfully as we hoped...when we tried slicing the sushi roll into pieces, the whole roll just became unstable and loose.  We concluded it was because we didn't use the right kind of rice and also because we didn't use enough rice to keep the sushi sticky.  Sorry guys, I didn't take any pictures of our rejected sushi haha!  Although it wasn't visually appealing, it was still delicious. おいしい!

The next day, Nhakhanh and I were off to Disneyland!  Yay more Disney fun ^_^ 

It was pretty hot that day so we decided to head off to munch on some ice cream over at Gibson Girl Ice Cream Parlor. 

We shared a strawberry sundae.  That thing was huge!  I don't know how one person can finish it all...

Since taking silly pictures is what we do best, we decided to take one in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle.

In the end, we both felt embarassed and silly asking someone to take a picture of us when we're doing silly poses.  The poor Asian fellow who took our picture seemed confused at first but later realized we were trying to mimick the statue of Walt Disney and Mickey behind us haha.  *sigh* We are strange crazy heads.   Also, everytime I see that woman sitting there eating on the right, I burst out laughing.  She must've thought we were strange too.  ^^;;

To end my spring break, I hung out with Tati and we took purikura at Sticki Picki.  These two are my favorites:

Don't you love Tati the Pharaoh?

Later that night, we skyped with Nhakhanh till midnight.  I've never used Skype before so it was very entertaining!  The only down-side is it lagged.  A lot.  What's the other popular video chat people use nowadays?  ooVoo or something? I'm so out of the loop with technology nowadays.

So yes, this was an incredibly long post...hope you all didn't fall asleep reading! I need to catch up on some sleep myself but I have a feeling it's going to be another long troubling night for me.  All the drama that happened yesterday in my neighborhood still lingers in my head and I no longer feel comfortable wandering outside without someone ridiculing or judging me.  My head keeps aching everytime I think about it and my heart feels like it's going to fail soon from all the stress.  *sigh*  But I'm trying to remain strong.  私がんばります!


Monday, March 29, 2010

Last Quarter of my undergrad career =O

Ugh, I'm trying to get back into gear with my classes again but I'm still in spring break mode!  Rawr.  As I was walking to class from the parking structure today, I suddenly realized that today will be my last "first day of the quarter" at UCI!  Four years has passed by so quickly...I honestly felt like I haven't really made the most of my experience as an undergraduate student.  During the first two years, it honestly seemed like I was still in high school. Or maybe it was just the fact that I missed high school so much that I focused more on trying to hold on to those memories rather than living in the present.  I know, I'm strange and pathetic.  Now that graduation is approaching, I'm half sad and half excited...well probably a little more sad lol.  Oh well, I'll make the most of this quarter!  I just have to survive this insane psych lab (who seriously has a lab during Week 1? lamesauce). 

I will try and blog more about my spring break and post pics up soon!  Until then, you all can drool over these cute "designer brand" cupcakes:


Friday, March 19, 2010

Juicy Madness

Today was a wonderful start to my spring break! I woke up early this morning to get ready for my date with the Jackie. When she came over, she told me, "Julie! You have a package at the front door." Excited, I rushed over and discovered that my Juicy haul arrived! ^.^

I absolutely adore these cherry earrings!  As you can tell, I love cherries/strawberries and all that cute stuff.

Looking at this necklace makes me want to eat some funfetti rainbow chip cupcakes. The cupcake charm actually opens up too!
I was lucky enough to purchase both of these on the website while they were still on sale. I've been wanting to buy the earrings for quite some time now but when I finally decided to purchase them, they were no longer available in stores! So I'm quite the happy duck. For all you Juicy lovers, their Friends & Family event ends this Sunday. Here's the coupon:

So yeah, Jackie and I went karaoking today over at City of Industry. I think my singing skills have deteriorated over the years since I haven't been training my voice as much as I did back during my choir days (I miss choir!). But Jackie, I think you sound fine! haha. Later, we decided to go take some purikura pics at Cue Studio. I've never been in this store before...they have sooo many different machines that my head hurt trying to figure out which one to use x)

These two are my favorites:

Peace signs everywhere!  Can't get anymore Asian than that. =P

After singing and taking pics to our heart's content, we decided to get some ramen at Mitsuwa and walk around Fashion Island. It was quite an eventful day =)

Jackie enjoying her miso ramen (Ur!)

We discussed some interesting topics today. One was about arranged marriages (or matchmaking). I didn't know that such practices are still taking place today in the U.S.  Maybe I'm just oblivious to what's happening around me.  Actually...I am very oblivious ^^;; I thought that arranged marriages were just a traditional practice and probably didn't occur as much in today's modern society. We were talking about how some people still endorse such traditional views and are fine with matchmaking. I personally think matchmaking is okay if someone is struggling to meet people for dating. But in terms of marriage, having someone arrange that for you seems so forced to me. What if the two individuals don't like each other? However, it is possible that with time, feelings of companionship may evolve between the two and that mutual comfort may grow into love. I don't know, I have mixed thoughts about the topic. What do you all think?

Alrighty, I must try and get a decent amount of sleep since I have a 7am meeting at work tomorrow *dies* Hope everyone is enjoying their spring break!


Dad's birthday

I'm finally done with finals! ^^ Oh man, I can't believe there's only one more quarter left until I graduate...I'm so sad yet excited at the same time.  What scares me is that even after four years of being an undergrad student, I'm still unsure of what my calling is.  It's been something that everyone's been pushing me to figure out and the fact that I'm still confused is bothering me immensely.  *sigh*


Today my family and I celebrated my dad's birthday.  Diane and I surprised the parents by driving them to go eat at Black Angus (we've never eaten there before).  Dad was super genki since he loves steak =) I'm sorry I don't have any pictures to share...I forgot my camera.

Later, I had an interesting conversation with him:

Me: Dad, how do I get to the 5 freeway from home? (Lol, yes I'm clueless when it comes to driving on the freeways...only b/c it's scary trying to dodge away from insane drivers!)
Dad: *gives me a suspicious look* Why do you ask?
Me: Because Jackie and I want to go karaoke at City of Industry.
Dad: Isn't that near LA? Why do you have to drive all the way over there to sing?
Me: Because there isn't a good karaoke place around here.
Dad: You have to be careful driving on the freeway!
Me: I know.
Dad: Also be careful around the area and try not to get kidnapped.
Me: Um...okay dad.
Dad: You want to bring my gps? You always get lost!
Me: No dad.
Dad: You want me to drive you? Don't forget to eat something in the morning.  Oatmeal is good!
Me: Ok--
Dad: Don't wear anything that will get you kidnapped.
Me: Daddy!
Dad: Are you sure you don't want me to drive you? 


And note, I am not his favorite--my younger sister is.  I know I know, everyone says that parents never have a favorite, but trust me. I know. He never acknowledges me except when he wants to complain about me.  On the other hand, he's constantly around Diane--asking her how her day is, buying her things, cooking her meals, etc etc.  Note, I'm not writing this to get any concern or pity.  I actually find it quite amusing.  Because whenever he does address me with concern, it comes in bursts!  And then poor Juju suffers overkill.  haha!  It's very overwhelming.  And very amusing. 

Happy birthday dad =)


Friday, March 12, 2010

A lazy shopping day

Hey everyone!

Since I only had one morning class today, I decided to shop around for a bit.  I know, I know...I should be studying for finals like a good girl...but my butt hurts from sitting in my chair for hours hehe. 

First, I stopped by Mitsuwa and purchased Mashta green tea:

It's pure powdered green tea so it's rich in antioxidants.  Lots of antioxidants means healthy skin, healthy immune system--healthy everything!  x) It's weird because I originally hated the taste of green tea...but I guess it's grown on me.  I didn't even know Mitsuwa carried the brand!  I'm so fortunate to live only ten minutes from there since I love checking out all the japanese food and goodies they carry =)

Later I stopped by Nordstrom Rack and purchased this Juicy Couture cherry top:

Hehe, Snoopy <3 Now I'm hungry for cherries...

Later, the little sister joined me and we cruised around our second home: South Coast Plaza.  I actually ran into Tanya at Nordstrom!  It was fun catching up a bit with her =)  We stopped by the Disney Store:


Afterwards, I purchased this cute Hello Kitty hat at Sanrio:

What better way to relax than by drinking hot tea?  Oishii! 

Okay, now the little sister is serenading me with "My Heart Will Go On"...well, more like screaming her lungs out and making dramatic hand gestures... save me!


A New Beginning

So, I've decided to blog again!  Yay (^.^)\/

During these past years, I've been so lazy and felt so uninspired to write anything.  Blogging is actually very hard work!  Well for me anyways... You have to put in a lot of care, thought, and time to write something meaningful--or in my case, something remotely interesting! haha.  And there isn't much to share about my boring life either. 


Recently, I've been soo inspired by so many incredibly talented make-up guru's and artists out there that I've decided to force myself to get in touch with my creativity again. So this blog will mainly share about my random daily life happenings and my interests--fashion, make-up, hauls, music, and all that other fun girly stuff.  I hope I don't put you all to sleep (I doubt many people will be reading this anyways)!

We'll see how long this blog will last...
