Friday, March 19, 2010

Dad's birthday

I'm finally done with finals! ^^ Oh man, I can't believe there's only one more quarter left until I graduate...I'm so sad yet excited at the same time.  What scares me is that even after four years of being an undergrad student, I'm still unsure of what my calling is.  It's been something that everyone's been pushing me to figure out and the fact that I'm still confused is bothering me immensely.  *sigh*


Today my family and I celebrated my dad's birthday.  Diane and I surprised the parents by driving them to go eat at Black Angus (we've never eaten there before).  Dad was super genki since he loves steak =) I'm sorry I don't have any pictures to share...I forgot my camera.

Later, I had an interesting conversation with him:

Me: Dad, how do I get to the 5 freeway from home? (Lol, yes I'm clueless when it comes to driving on the freeways...only b/c it's scary trying to dodge away from insane drivers!)
Dad: *gives me a suspicious look* Why do you ask?
Me: Because Jackie and I want to go karaoke at City of Industry.
Dad: Isn't that near LA? Why do you have to drive all the way over there to sing?
Me: Because there isn't a good karaoke place around here.
Dad: You have to be careful driving on the freeway!
Me: I know.
Dad: Also be careful around the area and try not to get kidnapped.
Me: Um...okay dad.
Dad: You want to bring my gps? You always get lost!
Me: No dad.
Dad: You want me to drive you? Don't forget to eat something in the morning.  Oatmeal is good!
Me: Ok--
Dad: Don't wear anything that will get you kidnapped.
Me: Daddy!
Dad: Are you sure you don't want me to drive you? 


And note, I am not his favorite--my younger sister is.  I know I know, everyone says that parents never have a favorite, but trust me. I know. He never acknowledges me except when he wants to complain about me.  On the other hand, he's constantly around Diane--asking her how her day is, buying her things, cooking her meals, etc etc.  Note, I'm not writing this to get any concern or pity.  I actually find it quite amusing.  Because whenever he does address me with concern, it comes in bursts!  And then poor Juju suffers overkill.  haha!  It's very overwhelming.  And very amusing. 

Happy birthday dad =)
