Friday, March 19, 2010

Juicy Madness

Today was a wonderful start to my spring break! I woke up early this morning to get ready for my date with the Jackie. When she came over, she told me, "Julie! You have a package at the front door." Excited, I rushed over and discovered that my Juicy haul arrived! ^.^

I absolutely adore these cherry earrings!  As you can tell, I love cherries/strawberries and all that cute stuff.

Looking at this necklace makes me want to eat some funfetti rainbow chip cupcakes. The cupcake charm actually opens up too!
I was lucky enough to purchase both of these on the website while they were still on sale. I've been wanting to buy the earrings for quite some time now but when I finally decided to purchase them, they were no longer available in stores! So I'm quite the happy duck. For all you Juicy lovers, their Friends & Family event ends this Sunday. Here's the coupon:

So yeah, Jackie and I went karaoking today over at City of Industry. I think my singing skills have deteriorated over the years since I haven't been training my voice as much as I did back during my choir days (I miss choir!). But Jackie, I think you sound fine! haha. Later, we decided to go take some purikura pics at Cue Studio. I've never been in this store before...they have sooo many different machines that my head hurt trying to figure out which one to use x)

These two are my favorites:

Peace signs everywhere!  Can't get anymore Asian than that. =P

After singing and taking pics to our heart's content, we decided to get some ramen at Mitsuwa and walk around Fashion Island. It was quite an eventful day =)

Jackie enjoying her miso ramen (Ur!)

We discussed some interesting topics today. One was about arranged marriages (or matchmaking). I didn't know that such practices are still taking place today in the U.S.  Maybe I'm just oblivious to what's happening around me.  Actually...I am very oblivious ^^;; I thought that arranged marriages were just a traditional practice and probably didn't occur as much in today's modern society. We were talking about how some people still endorse such traditional views and are fine with matchmaking. I personally think matchmaking is okay if someone is struggling to meet people for dating. But in terms of marriage, having someone arrange that for you seems so forced to me. What if the two individuals don't like each other? However, it is possible that with time, feelings of companionship may evolve between the two and that mutual comfort may grow into love. I don't know, I have mixed thoughts about the topic. What do you all think?

Alrighty, I must try and get a decent amount of sleep since I have a 7am meeting at work tomorrow *dies* Hope everyone is enjoying their spring break!



Sophia said...

Very cute photos. I didn't know Jackie looked like that now!

I think arranged marriages are great, especially if the parents are looking in their child's best interest. Why would a parent settle for less?

Where do you work?

n-k said...

You will find this article informative and interesting about arranged marriages in modern society:

Also, that book I let you borrow... I don't remember if the author addresses the practice of arranged marriages, but it's definitely one of her themes in her novel The Namesake (made into a movie with Kal Penn a couple years ago!)

So yeah, definitely still a thriving institution. Just ask Hufsa or Devesh :)

You guys look cute in the pics! Also, I just realized I never thought about this, but I figured you might know... Why is the V sign so popular among Asians? Where does it originate from? What's its meaning? etc. :) I always brushed it off as an "Asian thing" but now I'm really curious!

HimeStyle said...

great blog! next time, check out kira kira about 2 mins away from cue's! their machines are SO much nicer and take better pictures for rhe same price...

anyway...@n-k: check out this vid~~

dunno if theres any truth to the vid, but its still hilarious. ^^

Unknown said...

@sophia: i still work at bath and body works. haven't been really successful trying to find another job lately =/

@N: the link isn't working for some reason...maybe my internet is being weird? Also, about the origins of the V sign, I remember one of my profs telling me that it first appeared during WWII when the president and U.S. soldiers used the sign to represent "victory." I'm not sure how it came about in other Asian countries, but I know that the Japanese learned the V sign from the GI soldiers and through cultural conditioning, it's been popular till today. Although, today's younger generation don't display the V sign for its' original meaning of victory or peace. Instead, I think it's mainly used to reveal positivity and cuteness xD

@tiffany: omg that mockumentary was hilarious! :D thanks for the tip about kira kira, i'll be sure to check that out next time!