Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's a Tea Party

Stopped by World of Disney today and bought a tea sampler:

I've been eyeing their tea sets for awhile and Tati mentioned some of their flavors are simply delicious, so I finally grabbed a box for myself!  This sampler contains the following:

1) Mad Tea Party blend (black tea with ginger, peach, and apricot)
2) Earl Grey (black tea with bergamot flavor)
3) Lemon Honey Chamomile (herbal tea with lemon and honey)
4) Mango (green tea with mango flavor)
5) Blueberry (green tea with blueberry flavor)
6) Pomegranate (black tea with pomegranate flavor)

Currently, I'm sipping on some of the Earl Grey and it's pretty good.  I'm not quite used to the darker taste of black tea yet since I usually drink green tea, but I think it'll grow on me. 

Diane and I also stopped by California Adventures to see if they were previewing the Little Mermaid ride, and it turns out they were (only for passholders though)!

I really liked all the small details Disney incorporated into the architecture

We got to ride in these cute, colorful seashells

Close-up of Ariel.  Look, she's glowing~

I was sooo excited, especially since the Little Mermaid is one of my favorite Disney movies.  The line, however, was ridiculous.  But the ride was definitely cute and fun, it's like you're diving into an undersea musical.  I loved it =)  If you're mermaid fans, check it out! 


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Current Obsessions

Haven't updated in awhile!  Been too stressed about life lately.  I'm currently at that point where I feel just stuck and extremely confused about what's going to happen next.  And I just hate that feeling of being unsure...*sigh*

In order to ease my stress, I headed off to Downtown Disney with Tati.  No matter what age, I will always feel giddy about heading off to Disneyland.  Truyen always laughs saying I never tire of that place...and it's true!  <3

One of my current obsessions are the pook-a-looz dolls at Disneyland:

It's the whole Alice crew~

Donald!  Too. Cute.

They're all so adorable!  The chubby round plushes are cute too:

Tati thinks he looks like a cheese ball haha!

Also, I love anything Minnie-related.  I think her big red bow just wins me over x)

Tati knows I love the Minnie ears so when I saw these hats, I made her wear them with me bwuaha.  She wasn't too excited about hers though..."This is probably the ugliest hat I've ever seen!" LOL.  I admit, it was a bit scary...

Bah, blurry.

I bought these cool Minnie ear phone clips!  There were Donald ones too but I ended up getting Minnie.  I might end up going back to buy the Donald ones though =P

 Duffy is also another character I'm in love with:

Not very many people are familiar with Duffy...he's much more popular in Tokyo Disneyland.  If you're wondering about his story, he's the official Disney bear that Minnie made especially for Mickey.  Mickey was about to journey overseas but Minnie was afraid he'd get lonely.  So she decided to make him a travel companion!  I love home-made gifts so I thought this was sweet x)

Last but not least, my biggest obsession lately is Rilakkuma and Korilakkuma! I got a Korilakkuma keychain so I can attach it to my purse.  Now she travels with me everywhere I go =)

More Rilakkuma merchandise I picked up recently...

Why are most of the things I like plush animals?  I guess I'm still quite the kid at heart.  You have to enjoy the small things in life.  A lot of people, including myself, forget that and I think that's a sign of life just getting to you.  That you've grown up.  And that thought kind of depresses me.  Don't ever forget to just take a breather and appreciate all the small things.  Otherwise, we'd all be unhappy, rude cynical people...and that's no fun.  I already have to deal with a lot of those people at work.  So be genki!  Life's too short to be swallowed up by bitterness.  I have to constantly remind myself that nowadays...


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Harry Potter

I can't wait to watch the last installment of the Harry Potter films this summer!  I've been browsing different fan art/comics and thought these were hilarious:

Harry Potter + Mean Girls

And of course, Harry Potter + Twilight


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mumsy's Birthday

Even though my mom's birthday is tomorrow, my family decided to celebrate it during the weekend.  She loves shopping so we ended up driving all the way up to the Ontario Mills outlet stores.  It was extremely stuffy inside the mall and the massive crowd just made it worse.

I noticed the Coach factory was super crowded and wondered if there was some kind of event going on.  Stepping inside that store was probably my undoing.  It turns out, a lot of their merchandise was 30-50% off, and you receive an additional 30% off your entire purchase!  I ended up taking advantage of the promotion (because there's hardly ever a huge sale like this at the regular boutiques) and bought a new wallet:

I'm a big sucker for anything pink keke

Yeah, I know...shouldn't be spending so much over some silly wallet just because it's all fancy and has a label on it, right?  Well, I needed a new wallet anyway.  That's my justification =P I'm actually sad to part with my current Hello Kitty wallet, but it's starting to fall apart and I think it's time to let go before it suffers anymore damage...

There was a purse I wanted but I resisted and fought the urge to buy it.  The wallet was already a bit costly and adding a purse to the bill is out of the question.  However!  My mom actually bought that same purse I wanted and decided to give it to me because she bought another one for herself.

I'm still so surprised and ecstatic~ Thanks mumsy!  I should be the one buying her gifts since it's her birthday and all, not the other way around!  But I've learned over the years to not buy any gifts for her because she always returns everything I buy her.  Sad, isn't it?  She's just an extremely picky woman.  Instead, I just pay for her birthday lunch/dinner.  Food is her ultimate comfort.  Plus, she can't return it! =P

I also bought a cake from JJ Bakery in Irvine:

Came in a cute box!

It's vanilla-flavored sponge cake topped with strawberries and peaches.

My parents loved it!  They're not a big fan of the overly sweet Americanized cakes.  But since Asian cakes are never really sweet, this was perfect for them.  Even the frosting wasn't too sweet, and I usually hate frosting.  So it was definitely approved by the "Phamily."  =) I told my mom that the number of strawberries and candles signified her age--there were 5 strawberries and 3 candles, hence 53!  She had a surprised look and asked, "Did you ask the sales people to do that?  Or was it already like that?"  But I just gave her a mysterious smile and looked away.  She'll never know!  Bwuahaha...


Sunday, April 3, 2011

How to Make: California Rolls

I don't know about you, but sushi is one of my all time favorite Japanese meals.  I'm still learning to appreciate sashimi since the thought of eating raw fish makes my stomach turn a little.  But I love California rolls, spicy tuna rolls, and my favorite--crunchy rolls!  Since sushi can be a little expensive, I tried making California rolls at home.  The process was a bit daunting at first, but after a couple of practice, they came out better than I expected.  I thought I'd share the recipe with you all =)

Ingredients needed:
2 cups short grain rice
1 cucumber
1 avocado
Several sheets of nori (seaweed)
Imitation crab meat
2 cups of water
1/2 cup rice vinegar
2 tsp salt
1/4 cup sugar
Soy sauce
Sesame seeds (optional)
Japanese mayo (optional)
Masago, or fish eggs (optional)

Materials needed
Rice cooker
Bamboo mat wrapped in saran wrap
Wooden spoon
Large (bamboo) plate
Small bowl filled with water
A very sharp knife


1) First, rinse the rice 3 times and let soak for 30 minutes so moisture is sealed in.

2) Drain water from rice.

3) Add 2 cups of water to rice and cook in rice cooker for 15 minutes.

4) While rice is cooking, mix rice vinegar, salt, and sugar into a small pan and heat until salt and sugar dissolves.

5) Once the rice is done cooking, immediately remove the rice and place into a large plate.

6) Take the sushi vinegar mixture and drizzle over the hot rice.  Mix the two together by "slicing" the rice with a wooden spoon.  This slicing motion mixes the rice and vinegar together without breaking the rice grains.

7) Once everything is mixed, let the rice cool for about 30 minutes, or until it's room temperature.

8) Cut a sheet of nori in half and place it on the bamboo mat.

9) Wet hands in the small bowl of water, grab a small portion of rice, and press the rice on top of the nori.  Sprinkle sesame seeds if desired.

10) Flip the nori over, so the rice is on the bottom.  If desired, spread a small amount of Japanese mayo on the bare side of the nori.  I discovered that the mayo is actually the magic ingredient that makes the sushi taste even better!  But that's just my opinion =P

11) Begin slicing the avocado, cucumber, and imitation crab meat.  Please excuse my poorly sliced avocado...I need to work on my knife craftsmanship x.x

12) Assemble the sliced avocado, cucumber, and imitation crab meat on the nori.  The crab meat should be on top, then the cucumbers, and lastly the avocado.  The reason why the cucumbers are in the middle is because they contain the most moisture and move around easily.  If they're in between the crab meat and avocado, it'll be easier to roll the sushi without the ingredients falling out.

13) Once everything is placed, start rolling!  This is the fun part =) You should end up with a sushi roll that looks like this:

14) Take a sharp knife and wet it.  This makes it easier to slice the sushi roll.  If desired, you can sprinkle some masago on top of the roll before slicing, but I personally don't like fish eggs.  Slice the roll into 8 pieces.

15)  Last but not least, enjoy!  They taste even better with soy sauce =)

I think the tricky part is cooking the rice.  Sometimes it'll come out too wet or too dry so it's difficult to get the right combination of rice and water.  The general ratio is 1:1.  Hope this recipe helps and hope your California rolls turn out delicious!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hello Kitty Car

I was walking to my car after work and guess what I saw!

Isn't it awesome?!  I need me one of these...


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yoda Backpack

Look at what I found at Disneyland today:

Tati kept trying to persuade me to buy it but I have no idea where I would wear it.  Is this the same backpack your professor wears to lecture, Nhakhanh?  I should come to your class so we can match.


Monday, March 21, 2011


I've lived in a bubble most of my life and as a result, I'm much more sheltered and oblivious than others.  It took me a little longer to realize this, but not everyone is going to like you for who you are.  There's always someone who will criticize, judge, or hate you.  And if you can't reconcile with them, then there's really nothing more you can do than to just accept it and move on.  But that's easier said than done.

I was raised to treat others as I would like to be treated.  And sometimes, there are just stubborn people who will take advantage of that and try to trample all over me.  If I knew there was someone who disapproved of me, then I immediately question and blame myself.  But I have to realize that it's not always  my fault.  My low self-esteem and paranoia usually gets the best of me, and that's what I need to correct.  Why must I waste my time and lose sleep over such people?  They are so blinded by their own spiteful convictions, that it's impossible to reason with them.  I know there will always be haters and I shouldn't let what they think affect me.  But when they start to judge my character without properly hearing me out first, then I get upset.

Who are you to judge me?

Based on some misunderstanding, you'll always see me as this greedy little liar.  And it hurts that you even think of me that way.  I have integrity, I have morals.  And by accusing me of such actions, you insult everything I stand for.  You insult my pride.  But there's nothing more I can do or say to persuade you.  So just remain stubborn and think whatever you want to think.  I know who I am, and that's all that matters.  Pretend like nothing happened.  Smile at me, I'll smile back.  But underneath it all, I know you'll always think of me that way, and it will never be the same as before.  You may no longer be angry, but your words will always hurt my pride.  And for that, I can never see you as the same person again.

Easter Kitty

Stopped by Sanrio to pick up a new key cover for my house key:

Truyen is sad because Bunny Kitty is replacing my old Chopper one haha.  It's not like I'm tossing him aside!  I just lost the chain thing so I can't hang him on my keychain atm...

I also got a mystery egg with my purchase.

Hmm...what's inside...

It's a little figurine!  I'm glad I got strawberry since it's my favorite fruit =) These are all the other Fruity Kitties:


Monday, March 14, 2011

Oh snaps, an 8ft tall Yoda?!

Last Friday, I discovered that South Coast Plaza was holding a big Lego event in celebration of the new Lego Store's grand opening.  What was the project?  Oh...nothing special really.  Only an 8ft TALL YODA.  *pops out lightsaber*

As a newly converted Star Wars fan--with Yoda being my favorite character--you can imagine how ecstatic I was.  It was a 3-day event and anyone was invited to participate in the project.  I would've joined the building crew, but I would've been the only girl helping out.  The entire construction team consisted of eager, young little boys.  Where are all the girls?!  Girls can play with legos too!  Haha.

Here are some pictures I took on the first day:

The little Yoda model.  He'd probably be this tall in real life keke

You can see the base of Yoda here.  It looks like poor little Yoda is trapped...

A little boy constructing away with the help of his daddy

Yesterday was the last day of construction.   I didn't work so I planned on visiting Yoda today. 

When my lunch hour arrived, I rushed to the carousal court eager to catch a glimpse of him.  And what did I find? NOTHING.

Confused, I thought they probably moved him to the Lego store.  So I rushed over there, and only found Boba Fett.

I asked a worker about Yoda's mysterious disappearance and he said that poor Yoda was demolished yesterday after the mall closed.  My spirits crushed right then and there...I literally just stared at him for a couple seconds, waiting to hear him say, "Just kidding!"  I can't believe they destroyed him just like that!  They should've displayed him for a week at least.  All that hard work...gone to waste!  *SADNESS*

I was able to find the finished Yoda online:

He towers over everyone!  I love the mini Yoda too <3

So sad I couldn't see him in person though.  Sigh.  I guess I wasn't strong enough with the Force to predict his tragic death...


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Disney Date with Diane

Omg, I can't believe I haven't been to Disneyland in the past 3 months.  As a passholder, I vowed I'd make the most out of it and try to go once every month but it's been difficult trying to coordinate everyone's schedule ("everyone" being Diane and Tatiana lol...).  But since I was off work today, Diane and I ventured off into our land of happiness! x)

Here's some pics I managed to take:

Mr. Toad! A bit too bright...evil backlight!

Loved this window display!

And this one too!

 These DJ tees were so cute~  I love the Mickey one.

 Decided to buy this because I fell in love with it.  Mickey and black lace?  What more could I ask for?

Diane and I only stayed for 2 and a half hours because we parked at Downtown Disney.  The first three hours are free and we didn't want to pay for parking haha.  When we were about to head home, we saw this adorable bride and groom:

I can't believe we witnessed an actual wedding taking place!  The Japanese couple were saying their vows in front of Sleeping Beauty's Castle and they looked so radiant.  It was very romantic and...kind of magical.  (Excuse me if I made you gag with my cheesiness.)  I would've taken a better picture but I felt embarrassed and a bit weird taking a photo of a random couple and disturbing their special day.  The bride's dress was GORGEOUS.  Very princess-y =) If I had a Disney wedding and wore a beautiful dress like that, I would've made a grand entrance in a pumpkin carriage or something.  Tee hee.  Yeah yeah, I'm such a girl.

Afterwards, we decided to get lunch at Marie Callendar's.  It was both of our first time eating there and we decided to order their trio deal.  You get either a chicken pot pie or shepard's pot pie, ceasar salad, and your dessert pie of choice.

Mmm...looks so good.

Ready to dig in! 

Now I've been a fan of chicken pot pies, but I've only eaten the frozen ones (I know, so unhealthy).  So I was eager to try a restaurant-quality version!  And let me tell you, it was SO delicious.  Omg.  The crust was super light and flaky, and the soup was so creamy.  Everything just melts in your mouth.  I felt extremely full afterwards because I'm still not used to the bigger American-sized portions.  Will definitely come back and devour some more though!

I decided to end the day by getting my hair trimmed.  It's amazing how cutting only 3 inches of hair can make your head feel so light!  At first, I didn't know where I wanted to go to get my haircut.  I didn't want to drive all the way to the My Ngoc Beauty Salon in Westminster, and I didn't want to spend $60 at my previous stylist's salon (especially for just a trim!).  So I took a risk and gave SuperCuts a try.

Never.  Again.

Yeah, it's cheap (only $16 with no shampoo wash), but you get what you pay for.  The hair stylist was super nice but she does not know how to layer hair.  Sigh.  Now I'm stuck with choppy-layered hair.  At least she understood what a trim was and didn't snip off 5 inches of my hair.  Oh well, it's not that bad I guess.  I'll live.

Alright, it's been a long day and I'm pooped.  Off to bed I go~


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pasta Heaven

Omg, I'm still so bloated from tonight's dinner...I feel like I've gained ten pounds or something.  Even though it's super fattening, the fetticini alfredo at Vie de France is simply irresistible.

Their version has a unique taste, mainly because of the pasta sauce.  I love how there's mushroom and spinach in it, which isn't commonly served at most restaurants.  It makes it taste even more delicious =)


This is completely random, but the other day I saw this "Guess Who" Star Wars edition game at Target and squealed like a giddy school girl. 

Look at Yoda! So cute~

Truyen has slowly been converting me into a Star Wars nerd.  I can't believe I've been missing out on the series this whole time!  Before, the only thing I enjoyed that was Star Wars-related was the Star Tours ride in Disneyland.  The ride is currently undergoing some reimagining so I can't wait to check out what new features they've added!

Anywho, I'm going to start watching Episodes I, II, and III with Truyen tomorrow.  Then my Star Wars adventure will be complete =)
