Monday, March 14, 2011

Oh snaps, an 8ft tall Yoda?!

Last Friday, I discovered that South Coast Plaza was holding a big Lego event in celebration of the new Lego Store's grand opening.  What was the project?  Oh...nothing special really.  Only an 8ft TALL YODA.  *pops out lightsaber*

As a newly converted Star Wars fan--with Yoda being my favorite character--you can imagine how ecstatic I was.  It was a 3-day event and anyone was invited to participate in the project.  I would've joined the building crew, but I would've been the only girl helping out.  The entire construction team consisted of eager, young little boys.  Where are all the girls?!  Girls can play with legos too!  Haha.

Here are some pictures I took on the first day:

The little Yoda model.  He'd probably be this tall in real life keke

You can see the base of Yoda here.  It looks like poor little Yoda is trapped...

A little boy constructing away with the help of his daddy

Yesterday was the last day of construction.   I didn't work so I planned on visiting Yoda today. 

When my lunch hour arrived, I rushed to the carousal court eager to catch a glimpse of him.  And what did I find? NOTHING.

Confused, I thought they probably moved him to the Lego store.  So I rushed over there, and only found Boba Fett.

I asked a worker about Yoda's mysterious disappearance and he said that poor Yoda was demolished yesterday after the mall closed.  My spirits crushed right then and there...I literally just stared at him for a couple seconds, waiting to hear him say, "Just kidding!"  I can't believe they destroyed him just like that!  They should've displayed him for a week at least.  All that hard work...gone to waste!  *SADNESS*

I was able to find the finished Yoda online:

He towers over everyone!  I love the mini Yoda too <3

So sad I couldn't see him in person though.  Sigh.  I guess I wasn't strong enough with the Force to predict his tragic death...
