Monday, May 17, 2010

Eventful Weekend

Warning: this is kind of a long post so don't read if you're tired, busy, or disinterested.  And if you're disinterested, why are you here in the first place...? O.o

Hey everyone! Hope your weekend was relaxing and fun. I know mine was! =)

On Friday, I was on a tea-hunting craze:

I went over to Mitsuwa to stock up on some more of my mashta green milk tea.  While I grabbed some of those, I noticed an interesting product next to it: Maxim's Green Tea latte.  Immediately I thought, "Green tea + coffee?  Interesting combination...must buy!"  I actually haven't tried it out yet but I will let you all know what I think of it later.  I wish Mitsuwa sold more of the strawberry kit kats...those were sooo delicious!  That's what you get for falling in love with a limited edition product...

Afterwards, I went over to get some boba at Lollicup.  I originally wanted taro milk tea but I decided to impulsively try the royal milk tea they had.  I'm not sure why I even did because I'm not a huge fan of the original milk tea since it's a bit too sweet for me.  But the royal milk tea was super delicious!  I think it might even be my new favorite *gasp* haha.  OH, since we're on the subject of tea, I wanted to say this before I forget: do not try the korean grapefruit tea at 85 degrees, unless you're a fan of bitter tea with chunky grapefruit skin.  I'm not sure if I got a bad batch, but that thing is just blech...never again!  >.<

Anyways, later that day I went to watch "Iron Man 2" with the sister.  I wish I re-watched the first one though so I could refresh my memory about the storyline but I pretty much got the gist of it.  At first, I thought it was going to be any other Hollywood action movie--a couple of gun shots here and a little bit of explosives there and bam!  Everyone's instantly awed by it.  I mean, yes there were some great action scenes (I think my favorite character is Natasha Romanoff aka the Black Widow!  I wish I was fierce and sexy like her =P) but I was hoping there would be a decent storyline with it as well.  And it turns out, there actually was!  I won't give anything away of course but overall, I enjoyed it--probably even more than the first one (gasp, what's this?  a sequel dominating the original? lol).  The only issue I had was it seemed a bit long...maybe it was because I was super tired that day but I kept slipping in and out of dreamland.

On Saturday morning, I helped Diane get ready for her Senior prom.  It took about an hour to do hair and make-up.  My main theme for her was a cute princess/dolly look.  Here's a picture of her final look (are you happy now Jackie?  You finally get to see her head LOL. UR!):

Since her dress already had shiny sparkles and her dolly eye make-up was boldly defined, I didn't want to add too many distracting accessories.  So she decided to just wear my red cherry necklace and my pink bow that I made =)

Close-up shot

I wanted to get a quick picture with her outside before I left for work hehe

Later that day, I came home early from work because they were cutting hours (AGAIN! >.<) and watched "Butterfly Lovers," the 2008 movie starring Wu Chun and Charlene Choi.

I mainly wanted to watch it because I was in the mood to watch a traditional Asian movie and I heard it had some martial arts in it.  And also, Wu Chun was in it.  haha!  I actually thought the movie was like a Chinese version of Romeo & Juliet.  It was sweet but I hate those tragic endings!  Call me a hopeless romantic but I like my happy endings, thank you very much.  I was inspired to sketch a picture based on this one depressing rainy scene in the movie:

It's been awhile since I've touched my sketch notebook so I felt a bit rusty...I'm still surprised I decided to add color to it since I hate messing up my sketches with color.  It's only because I suck at coloring so I always feel like it ruins my original work.  Note to self: work on color techniques and how to sketch hands so they don't look like weird mushy balls!

Last but not least, today I just went around with Dad and Diane.  We stopped by Fry's because they were having their 25th anniversary event and a bunch of blu-rays were on sale for $8!  But by the time we got there, everything was gone =( However, I did buy season 1 of "Glee" at Best Buy afterwards.  Gleeks unite!

My dad kept asking me if I wanted to eat ice cream all day.  And later, when my mom came home, she kept asking me the same thing too!  I don't know if they're trying to pamper me or get me fat...

Anyways, that was mainly my weekend.  I will stop ranting now because I'm afraid you've all fallen asleep... x)
